Politically Focused Blue Amphitheaters

Traumnovelle Offers a Place for Political Discussion

Creative trio Traumnovelle constructs a place for political discussion in Belgium for the Venice Architecture Biennale. In the shape of a circular blue amphitheater, the pavilion provides ample space and fosters direct contact between individuals. The simplicity of the color palette does not distract from the intended function of Traumnovelle's structure. The circular and symmetric layout of the pavilion ensure unity and balance that is strongly observed in the aesthetic and the atmosphere of the space.

The place for political discussion invites individuals to talk about "the various issues facing the European Union" — from Brexit to the rising nationalism. The blue amphitheater is curated by the architectural trio and Roxane Le Grelle with the hopes a creating a "Eurotopie" — a new Europe.

Photo Credits: Philipe Braquenier
Trend Themes
1. Circular Pavilions for Political Discussion - Creating circular pavilions for political discussions, like Traumnovelle's blue amphitheater, can encourage direct contact between individuals and promote unity and balance in the space's atmosphere.
2. Eurotopie Movement - Inspired by Traumnovelle's blue amphitheater, movements like Eurotopie strive to create a 'new Europe' through political discussions and collaboration.
3. Simplistic Aesthetic for Political Spaces - Embracing simplistic aesthetics in political spaces, like Traumnovelle's use of a blue color palette, can promote focus on the intended function of the structure and avoid distractions.
Industry Implications
1. Architecture - Architects can explore creating structures, like circular pavilions, that foster political discussion and encourage collaboration.
2. Politics - Political groups and organizations can utilize circular pavilions, like Traumnovelle's blue amphitheater, as spaces for discussion and collaboration on important issues.
3. Event Planning - Event planners can incorporate simplistic aesthetics, like Traumnovelle's use of a blue color palette, to promote focus on the intended function of a space designed for political discussions and collaboration.

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