Pillow Speakers

Sound Oasis Sleep Therapy

If you are an insomniac, then you know you'd try anything to go to sleep. How about this nifty musical pillow to block out your partner's snoring, outside noises or even tinnitus noise in your ears? Hifi ultra-thin speakers embedded in this pillow will provide some soft music or white noise to lull you to sleep without having to wear uncomfortable earplugs. You can attach most devices like iPods, MP3 players, CD players and white noise machines into the standard stereo mini-plug.

The pillow is made with hypo-allergenic polyester fiberfill. The speakers are removable to allow laundering of the pillow. It is available for $60 from the Earplug Superstore. Not a bad price for a good night's sleep.
Trend Themes
1. Sound Therapy Pillows - Expanding the use of sound therapy technology to create more comfortable and natural sleep solutions.
2. Personalized Sleep Devices - Offering custom solutions to cater to individual sleep needs using embedded technology in pillows and other accessories.
3. Music-embedded Accessories - Integrating music and other soothing sounds into everyday objects to promote relaxation and reduce stress.
Industry Implications
1. Sleep Accessories - Expanding the market for innovative sleep accessories that incorporate sound therapy to improve sleep quality.
2. Consumer Electronics - Developing and incorporating sound therapy technology into various consumer electronics such as headphones, speakers, and wellness devices.
3. Health and Wellness - Integrating sound therapy into various health and wellness products to promote relaxation, stress reduction, and better sleep.

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