Uplifting Fortune Medication Packaging

The Fortune Pill Packaging Reveals a Friendly Message

The Fortune Pill packaging is the design work of Jeongdae Kim as a student project and identifies how medication can be given an uplifting aesthetic to help instill a positive mindset.

The Fortune Pill consists of a blister pack that is incorporated with an additional layer that reveals a small message of positivity to continue being the best you can be. This adds a hopeful tone to the experience for the patient who might feel dreary at times when taking their medication. The packaging design helps to increase the bedside manner and incorporate the fun experience of opening a fortune cookie with the somewhat mundane task of taking medication or supplements.

The Fortune Pill packaging infuses an inherently human aspect into the experience for a person who might find themselves alone or feeling emotionally off.
Trend Themes
1. Positive Medication Packaging - Designing medication packaging with positive messages to promote a better mindset for patients.
2. Human-centered Healthcare Packaging - Creating packaging that incorporates a more personal touch to emotionally support patients during their healthcare journey.
3. Interactive Medication Packaging - Developing packaging that adds an element of surprise and interactivity to the experience of taking medication.
Industry Implications
1. Pharmaceuticals - Pharmaceutical companies can explore creating unique packaging that promotes a more positive and supportive experience for patients.
2. Healthcare - Healthcare providers can consider incorporating human-centered design into medication packaging to enhance patient care and wellbeing.
3. Packaging Design - Packaging design companies can focus on developing more interactive and engaging designs for medication packaging to increase patient adherence and satisfaction.

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