Like a live Etch-a-Sketch drawing, self-taught French artist Pierre Emmanuel Godet creates renditions of famous artists and characters using one continuous line, similar to the difficult childhood toy.
Starting in 2010, engineer Pierre Emmanuel Godet began his portraits of famous people with nothing more than a pen, a sheet of paper and lots of planning. Without backtracking at all like the nostalgic Etch-a-Sketch drawing board, the self-taught artist illustrates lively portraits of Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, Batman, Joker, Spock and even Michael Jackson. The French artist's drawings differentiate from other artists by using objects significant to the characters in these depictions to build their image, incorporating meaning into these people as opposed to filling in the white space with random scribbles.
Intricately Iconic Illustrations
Pierre Emmanuel Godet's Artwork Depicts Characters in One Line
Trend Themes
1. Continuous Line Drawings - The trend of using one continuous line to create intricate illustrations creates disruptive innovation opportunities in the art and graphic design industry.
2. Meaningful Artwork - Creating artwork that incorporates objects significant to the subject creates disruptive innovation opportunities in the branding and advertising industries.
3. Self-taught Artists - With advancements in online learning platforms, the trend of self-taught artists creates disruptive innovation opportunities in the education and e-learning industry.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Graphic Design - Using new mediums and techniques such as continuous line drawing can revolutionize the way art and graphic design is created and consumed.
2. Branding and Advertising - Integrating significant objects into branding and advertising campaigns can create a more impactful and memorable experience for consumers.
3. Education and E-learning - Online learning platforms can give rise to a new generation of self-taught artists and creatives, disrupting traditional art education and training programs.