Community-Driven Concept Cars

The Peugeot Plug is Designed Specifically to be Shared

The Peugeot Plug is a concept car designed to be driven by a community of drivers as opposed to a single owner. The plug was designed by Minchul Kim who envisions the Plug learning the routes of the city it's in from the drivers who direct it.

The Peugeot Plug has a built-in artificial intelligence system that retains routes, points of interest and other helpful tidbits input by drivers. The information is then relayed to the next person to enter the Plug and the cycle begins anew. In addition to being a vehicle, the Plug is also designed to be used as a bench. This opens up the car for curious city folk who aren't members of the Peugeot-Needs community, but want to see what the Plug is all about.

The concept of car sharing is rapidly advancing, but the cars being shared are still the same cars that clog up and pollute city streets. A carbon-neutral car such as the Peugeot Plug would reduce pollution and encourage newcomers to car sharing with its innovative and intuitive design.
Trend Themes
1. Community-driven Cars - There is an opportunity to develop AI systems that can retain routes & points of interest input by drivers, such as the Peugeot Plug, to enable and encourage car sharing for the greater good.
2. Carbon Neutral Cars - The concept of carbon-neutral cars like the Peugeot Plug is a trend that is gaining traction, not only for personal use but also for ride-sharing services, where the damage caused to the environment needs to be minimized.
3. Intuitive Car Design - The intuitive design of the Peugeot plug, which doubles up as a bench for city folks and is simple enough for car-sharing communities to use, shows an opportunity to create disruptive car designs which can unlock the market by encouraging non-drivers to use it too.
Industry Implications
1. Electric Car Industry - Collaborating with AI companies and considering designs such as the Peugeot Plug's bench dual-usage could be an avenue to enable drivers to generate data on car usage in a neighbourly way, which could lead to profitable business models.
2. Sharing Economy - Working with designers on concepts that could encourage greater car-sharing participation such as the Peugeot Plug could have significant disruptive potential for car-sharing economy startups or businesses looking to diversify their product/service offerings.
3. Smart City Transport Industry - Including the community in car design phases, in order to enable efficient car-sharing, could be a disruptive trend that could generate smart city investment opportunities in future and alleviate pressure on congestion-impacted cities.

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