Trash-Fueled Automobiles

Peter Eckhoff Invents a Plastic-Powered Hybrid Engine

German inventor Peter Eckhoff has created an engine inspired by the movie "Back to the Future." Eckhoff's engine uses empty plastic bottles to power his VW.

Peter Eckhoff's engine was developed in conjunction with Jean-Marie Stankovicc-Gansen and involves a part that can be filled with empty plastic bottles. This part is heated by the car's traditional engine, burning the bottles; the resulting gas is used to help power the engine.

Peter Eckhoff's engine saves about 30% more fuel with 125 grams of plastic trash--about 3 bottles per 100 kilometers.
Trend Themes
1. Plastic-fueled Automobiles - There is an opportunity to disrupt the automobile industry by creating engines that are powered by plastic waste, as it could help solve the global plastic pollution crisis
2. Hybrid Plastic-fuel Engines - Developing hybrid engines that use both traditional fuel and plastic waste as a source of energy presents an opportunity for the automotive industry to create sustainable and environmentally friendly vehicles
3. Waste-to-energy Technology - The development of waste-to-energy technology to convert plastic waste into energy for use in various industries, including automotive, could revolutionize the way we deal with plastic waste while creating a new energy source
Industry Implications
1. Automotive - The automotive industry can benefit from implementing plastic-fueled or hybrid plastic-fuel engines to create environmentally friendly vehicles
2. Energy - The energy industry can explore waste-to-energy technology to create new sources of energy from plastic waste, reducing dependence on fossil fuels while helping to address the plastic pollution crisis
3. Waste Management - The waste management industry can invest in technologies to efficiently collect, sort, and process plastic waste for use in producing energy or other products, creating a new revenue stream and contributing to a more circular economy

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