Biodegradable Packaging Films

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Pester pac and Solutum Launches a New Eco-Friendly Packaging Film

Pester pac and Solutum have collaborated to produce a new packaging film that is sustainable and robust, allowing businesses to prioritize mindful practices when it comes to film materials. The film, designed to break down fully in various environments such as soil and water without generating harmful microplastics, delivers both sustainability and performance. Its high tear strength also supports material reduction, enabling the use of thinner films that lead to increased cost savings.

This new product is certified by Interseroh Made for Recycling, TÜV Industrial Composting, TÜV Soil Biodegradable, and the self-declared International Organization for Standardization 14020 Water Biodegradable.

"At the end of its life cycle, Solutum’s material decomposes completely. When handled in a managed environment, Solutum biodegrades in industrial composting plants, and in unmanaged environments, including oceans, rivers or when openly dumped, Solutum film biodegrades in soil and natural waters," said Solutum founder and president Sharon Barak.
Trend Themes
1. Compostable Materials - Eco-friendly packaging films that break down completely in industrial composting facilities are gaining traction.
2. Water-biodegradable Products - Interest is growing in materials designed to decompose fully in natural water bodies, reducing environmental impact.
3. Reduced-material Packaging - High tear strength enables thinner, sustainable films that lower material usage and cut costs.
Industry Implications
1. Eco-packaging - The development of fully biodegradable films is transforming the packaging industry with sustainable alternatives.
2. Waste Management - New packaging solutions that decompose in both managed and unmanaged environments could revolutionize waste handling practices.
3. Environmental Consulting - Biodegradable materials that reduce harmful microplastics demand expertise in environmental impact assessments and sustainability certifications.

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