Men Playing Messy

Men Get Rough and Rowdy for Perry Curties in Attitude Magazine

‘I will attack, and you don’t want that…’ is the title of this featured editorial, photographed by Perry Curties in Attitude Magazine. Sporting the issue’s fall and winter collections for 2010, these macho male models were styled by Frank Strachan.

Accompanying these photographs by Perry Curties in Attitude Magazine is a video of the shoot. It’s a real eye-opener for audiences viewing these prints, providing insight into just how much work goes into each of these salacious snapshots.
Trend Themes
1. Masculine Fashion - The rise of unconventional, rugged fashion trends for men presents an opportunity for brands to tap into the growing market of men seeking a bold and edgy style.
2. Visual Storytelling - The use of video content to enhance editorial photo shoots offers an innovative way for magazines and brands to engage audiences and provide behind-the-scenes glimpses into the creative process.
3. Gender Norm Breaking - The inclusion of traditionally masculine men in non-traditional, provocative fashion editorials challenges societal norms and opens the door for conversations about gender fluidity and expression.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Fashion brands can explore unconventional and edgy designs that cater to the demand for masculine fashion with a twist.
2. Media and Publishing - Magazines and publishers can leverage video content to enhance editorials, providing a more immersive experience for their audience.
3. Social Commentary - Organizations and individuals advocating for LGBTQ+ rights can use non-traditional fashion editorials as a platform to promote inclusivity and challenge societal gender norms.

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