Angular Floating Ledges

The Peliship Shelves Accent Your Lovely Low-Tech Possessions

As homes and offices come to accept increasing numbers of electronic gadgets and accessories, one might be tempted to keep in touch with the wonderful objects that represent the physical -- rather than the virtual -- world. These adorable Peliship Shelves afford the perfect opportunity to display your prized possessions such as books, potted plants and knickknacks that you've acquired along the way.

David Hsu Design manufactures the Peliship Shelves from scrap wood, giving them a delightful second life. The unusual angles of the ledges can make the most of damaged timber segments, but they present beautiful asymmetrical shapes that are reminiscent of boats. Mount a cluster of Peliships together on the wall and they'll come to look like a flock of sea birds, flying in with your assorted items.
Trend Themes
1. Sustainable Home Decor - Peliship shelves made from scrap wood offer an opportunity for sustainable home decor.
2. Innovative Storage Solutions - The unusual angles of the ledges and the ability to cluster them together provide an opportunity for innovative storage solutions.
3. Eco-friendly Furniture - The use of scrap wood adds to the potential for eco-friendly furniture solutions.
Industry Implications
1. Home Decor - The Peliship Shelves are a unique addition to the home decor industry with their environmentally conscious design.
2. Furniture Manufacturing - Manufacturers in the furniture industry could benefit from exploring sustainable and eco-friendly materials like scrap wood.
3. Storage Solutions - The innovative design of the Peliship Shelves could disrupt the storage industry by providing an aesthetically pleasing, yet functional alternative to traditional shelving units.

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