Healthy Strain-Free Keyboards

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The Microsoft Surface Ergonomic PC Keyboard is Organically Designed

Those who spend extended periods typing who have experienced wrist or hand strain as a result (or who want to avoid it) will appreciate the design of the Microsoft Surface Ergonomic PC Keyboard. Featuring a truly ergonomic design, the keyboard does away with the traditional rectangular aesthetic of the original keyboard in favor of a more organically inspired shape.

The keyboard features a soft section on the bottom for resting one's wrists, while the far right portion is outfitted with a numerical keyboard for quickly inputting digits or playing games.

The Microsoft Surface Ergonomic PC Keyboard works with both PCs and laptops, and separates the keyboard in order to make it more suitable for healthy typing habits.
Trend Themes
1. Ergonomic Keyboards - Opportunity for companies to develop more ergonomic keyboard designs to cater to individuals seeking strain-free typing experiences.
2. Organic Design - Potential for incorporating organic shapes and aesthetics in product design to improve user comfort and ergonomics.
3. Health-conscious Computing - Growing demand for technology products that prioritize user health and well-being, creating opportunities for innovation in the computer industry.
Industry Implications
1. Computer Hardware - Computer hardware manufacturers can capitalize on the trend by creating and marketing more ergonomic keyboards.
2. Product Design - Opportunity for product designers to explore and implement organic shapes in various consumer products, including keyboards.
3. Health and Wellness - Health and wellness industry professionals can partner with technology companies to develop solutions that promote healthier computing habits.

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