Salary-Earning School Programs

This Scholarship Includes Payments for School Attendance

The Myanmar-based organization 'Scholarships for Street Kids' (S4SK) offers payments for school attendance. In Myanmar, approximately 20 percent of children between the ages of 10 and 18 participate in the national labor force. Unfortunately, children are often forced to drop out of school in order to keep their jobs and continue supporting their families.

S4SK aims to help children go back to school by offering them a monthly salary to do so. The organization recognizes that when children attend school they are not able to provide their families with the extra income they would make if they were working. In order to reduce a family's dependence on a child's income, S4SK offers payments for school attendance. The classes span from one to three hours and they help to provide children with basic knowledge of Burmese, English, math and other subjects. The nature of these classes allows children to continue their education without forcing their families to give up the extra income.

The scholarship program helps to wean families off of a reliance on child labor by recognizing the realities of rural poverty.
Trend Themes
1. Salary-based Scholarships - Opportunity for organizations globally to invest in the education of underprivileged youth while also providing financial stability that benefits their families.
2. Reducing Dependence on Child Labor - Initiatives to incentivize formal education while recognizing rural poverty and the challenge of balancing education with the need to support one's family.
3. Short, Impactful Courses - Creating learning models that prioritize basic education and practical skill-building, maximizes time effectiveness while providing necessary information for students.
Industry Implications
1. Education - Initiatives that prioritize basic education and offer a flexible approach to learning could help address traditional barriers, such as poverty and time.
2. Social Welfare - Innovations in initiatives that aim to reduce dependence on child labor can provide not only education but financial stability for families.
3. Non-profit Organizations - The salary-based scholarship model can be a viable way for non-profit organizations to fund education programs sustainably.

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