Exploring Race Through Mixed Media

‘Pawnography' by Jeff Sonhouse

Jeff Sonhouse's upcoming exhibit at the Tilton Gallery is called 'Pawnography'; somewhat appropriately, it explores the changing role of the black male in society through mixed-media paintings and drawings.

Each portrait in Jeff Sonhouse's 'Pawnography' depicts a black male in drastically different settings. There is the black politician, the brand-obsessed individual, the pimp, and the paisley and platinum-obsessed young adult.

Jeff Sonhouse's 'Pawnography' will be displayed at the Tilton Gallery through December 23.

Implications - If you have the chance to check out the exhibit at the Tilton Gallery, I would highly suggest it. After all, with a name as cool as Pawntography, you know this exhibit by Jeff Sonhouse is going to be a site to see! The drastically different setting chosen for this shoot makes it even more eye-catching!
Trend Themes
1. Exploring Race Through Mixed Media - Jeff Sonhouse's exhibit at the Tilton Gallery uses mixed-media to explore race and the changing role of the black male in society.
2. Depicting Different Roles of the Black Male - Each portrait in Jeff Sonhouse's 'Pawnography' showcases a black male in drastically different settings, giving insight into the changing roles of black males in society.
3. Mixed Media for Social Commentary - 'Pawnography' by Jeff Sonhouse is a prime example of how mixed media can be used to make social and cultural commentary.
Industry Implications
1. Art - Jeff Sonhouse's 'Pawnography' exhibit demonstrates how art can be used as a platform to discuss important societal issues.
2. Culture - 'Pawnography' by Jeff Sonhouse reflects the current state of black male identity in culture.
3. Mixed Media - Jeff Sonhouse's use of mixed media in 'Pawnography' highlights the potential of the medium for impactful storytelling and commentary.

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