Paradoxical Fur Ads

"Fur is Green" Campaign

A Canadian fur company has hailed their fur products as ethical... "Protecting nature, while pampering yourself," is their tagline. WHAT? isn't that a major paradox?

In their marketing campaign, the Fur Council of Canada is calling fur an "Eco-Fabric" and is featuring banners across the site with model cloaked in a fur-trimmed hood with the slogan, "Fur is Green."

Their justification?
"Fur is fashion, warmth, comfort and beauty. For many, fur is the ultimate luxury. But using fur also helps to protect our natural environment while supporting people and cultures," the FCC site says.

"To be considered 'green' or 'environmentally-friendly', apparel and accessories should be made from natural materials that are: Renewable; Durable, long-lasting; Reusable, recyclable; Biodegradable; Non-polluting, non-toxic; Energy efficient in their production, use and disposal."

I wonder what PETA's celeb activists that would "rather go naked than wear fur," would say to this one?
Trend Themes
1. Ethics-washing - The trend of misrepresenting unethical products and services as ethical to increase sales and appeal to conscious consumers.
2. Greenwashing - The trend of portraying environmentally harmful products and services as eco-friendly to appeal to conscious consumers.
3. Sustainability Claims - The trend of making sustainability claims to prove compliance with increasing environmental and social responsibility.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Disruptive innovation opportunities include exploring new ethical alternatives for luxury products such as fur.
2. Marketing - Disruptive innovation opportunities include creating transparent marketing strategies and implementing accurate environmental and social responsibility claims.
3. Environmental Conservation - Disruptive innovation opportunities include exploring new technologies and methods for sustainable animal product substitutes.

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