Paper-Made Tube Packaging

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This Paper Tube Packaging from Toppan Printing is Eco-Friendly

This paper tube packaging has been created by Toppan Printing to help reduce the amount of plastic used and still maintain its functionality. The tube is constructed with 50% less plastic volume than alternatives on the market and features the proprietary GL BARRIER film on the interior to help make it suitable for cosmetic and food products. The packaging also maintains a thin design that's just 0.1mm in thickness and easier to squeeze all of the product out for enhanced economy.

General Manager of Business Strategy at Toppan's Western Japan Division Shingo Wada spoke on the paper tube packaging saying, "The paper tube-pouch represents a new solution that can meet the needs of manufacturers, consumers, and society as a whole by reducing impact on the environment, enhancing user-friendliness, and also offering new possibilities for design. It is another example of Toppan’s efforts to tackle such issues as marine plastic and the need for efficient circulation of resources by developing eco-friendly packaging and containers that sacrifice nothing in terms of functionality while making use of more sustainable materials, such as recycled and biomass plastics, monomaterials, and paper."
Trend Themes
1. Eco-friendly Packaging - More companies are exploring ways to use sustainable materials in their packaging designs.
2. Reduction of Plastic Usage - Reducing plastic usage while maintaining functionality is a growing trend in the packaging industry.
3. Thin Design Packaging - Packaging with thinner designs that can maximize product usage is becoming more popular.
Industry Implications
1. Packaging Industry - The packaging industry can benefit from developing more eco-friendly and functional packaging materials.
2. Cosmetic Industry - The cosmetic industry can utilize the paper tube packaging with a proprietary GL BARRIER film for its products.
3. Food Industry - The food industry can use the paper tube packaging to reduce plastic usage in packaging and help address sustainability concerns.

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