Goosenecked Tablet Holders

This Multifunctional Paper Towel Stand has a Tablet-Holding Attachment

If you are looking to keep your iPad food smudge free as you cook in the kitchen, this paper towel stand is here to help you. The CTA Digital paper towel holder comes with a gooseneck extension that acts as an iPad or tablet stand, so you can keep your recipe at a comfortable reading distance.

The 7.5 inch metal gooseneck feature also has multidirectional adjustment capabilities and can rotate a full 360 degrees while positioning the tablet's angle to any orientation. The universal stand can hold iPads, iPad Minis and most other 7 to 10 inch tablets. The neck is removable as well, for easy roll replacement. The paper towel stand comes with an optional cap too, in the event you would like the take of the attachment all together.
Trend Themes
1. Multifunctional Kitchen Accessories - There is a growing demand for kitchen accessories that serve more than one purpose, presenting an opportunity for companies to create innovative and convenient products.
2. Flexible Tablet Stands - Tablet holders with multifunctional, flexible designs that can be adjusted for different devices and tasks, offer an opportunity for companies to create innovative products and improve user experiences.
3. Removable Tech Attachments - The convenience of removable tech accessories that can be added to or taken off products as needed create an opportunity for companies to make products more versatile and appealing to consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Kitchenware - Companies in the kitchenware industry can capitalize on the demand for multifunctional accessories by creating products that combine kitchen tasks with technological features.
2. Technology Accessories - Companies in the technology accessories industry can develop innovative and flexible stands that serve multiple purposes and are compatible with a variety of devices.
3. Home Decor - Companies in the home decor industry can create versatile products with removable tech attachments that can change the function of products and make them more appealing to consumers.

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