Each one of the painted urns by artist Wayne Pate and plaster artist Stephen Antonson boasts a one-off design in white and blue. The collaborators highlight the psychologically calming quality and emotional appeal of the colorway with a series of uniform and well-balanced pattern designs.
The Wayne Pate x Stephen Antonson painted urns express a style that has been long used by "decorators, textile artists and ceramists." While the familiarity of the technique is somewhat grounding, the hand-painted stylistic choices give the artistic approach a wonderfully unique twist.
The project's production took about an year and Wayne testifies that it really was "an organic process that took on a life of its own." While the painted urns boast an individualistically unique decoration, the similarity in the style is what unites them.
Unique Painted Urns
Wayne Pete and Stephen Antonson Create White-and-Blue Custom Urn Designs
Trend Themes
1. Custom Painted Urns - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore new ways to personalize and customize urn designs to meet individual preferences.
2. Collaborative Artistic Ventures - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Encourage partnerships between artists and craftsmen to create unique and one-of-a-kind art pieces.
3. Psychological Impact of Colors - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Discover how different color combinations in art and design can evoke specific emotions and influence consumer behavior.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Integrate technology and traditional art techniques to create unique and personalized art pieces.
2. Funeral Services - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Design innovative funeral products and services that cater to the changing preferences of modern consumers.
3. Home Decor - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Invent new ways to incorporate customized and artistic elements into home decor products to appeal to discerning consumers.