High-End Big-Box PCs

Walmart's Overpowered Computers Showcase New Ventures for the Brand

While Walmart is not particularly known as a high-end brand, the big-box store has recently announced its new line of premium Overpowered computers. Designed in collaboration with Esports Arena, this collection of PC towers and laptops indicate a new focus for Walmart as they attempt to appeal to more serious gamers and PC enthusiasts. The Walmart Overpowered Computers are currently available as three laptops and three towers, each of which are available in three tiers.

While the desktop PCs skew on the more expensive side, priced at $1,399-$2,999, even the cheapest among them carries an impressive GTX 1070 onboard. Walmart has yet to release any information about the exteriors of the desktops, or how quietly they run, but it is safe to assume they are of decently high-quality if the internals are anything to go off of.
Trend Themes
1. Premium Gaming Pcs - Walmart's Overpowered Computers mark a trend in big-box brands expanding into the high-end gaming market.
2. Collaborative Design - The partnership with Esports Arena showcases a trend of collaboration between big-box stores and specialized gaming companies.
3. Tiered Pricing - The availability of the Overpowered Computers in three tiers reflects a trend of offering options at different price points to appeal to a wider range of customers.
Industry Implications
1. Retail - Walmart's entry into the premium gaming PC market reveals disruptive innovation opportunities in the retail sector.
2. Gaming - Esports Arena's collaboration with Walmart presents disruptive innovation opportunities in the gaming industry.
3. Computer Hardware - The launch of the Overpowered Computers highlights disruptive innovation opportunities in the computer hardware industry.

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