Tailgate Toilets

The Backroad Commode

This device is another one of those, ”I wish I would have thought of this” gimmick.

When hunters are wandering through the woods in search of Bambi's brethren this fall, the last thing they will want to be doing is crouching on the ground making “those noises.”

Finally the problem is solved with the Backroad Commode!

Implications - An innovation like this is an outdoor traveler's best friend. More people are spending time outdoors and experience what nature has to offer, although resources are limited when you're outside and even a toilet becomes a luxury sometimes. Businesses should start developing more products that can be used outdoors to fill the needs of the outdoor-savvy consumer.
Trend Themes
1. Outdoor Convenience - The Backroad Commode addresses the need for outdoor-friendly products and sets the trend for convenient outdoor experiences.
2. Nature-based Innovation - Innovations like the Backroad Commode showcase the potential for nature-inspired products and services that cater to outdoor enthusiasts.
3. Portable Sanitation - The Backroad Commode highlights the demand for portable and easy-to-use sanitation solutions for outdoor activities.
Industry Implications
1. Outdoor Recreation - The Backroad Commode presents opportunities for businesses in the outdoor recreation industry to develop innovative and convenient outdoor products.
2. Camping and Hiking Equipment - The Backroad Commode opens up possibilities for companies in the camping and hiking equipment industry to create portable and user-friendly sanitation solutions.
3. Travel and Adventure Tourism - The Backroad Commode indicates the potential for the travel and adventure tourism industry to offer enhanced outdoor experiences with convenient and efficient sanitation facilities.

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