Millennial-Inspired Mobile Dwellings

Green Mountain College Students Made the OTIS Mobile Home

A group of imaginative students from Green Mountain College have created the OTIS mobile home, a dwelling based on the needs of the average millennial. This small, modern living space is light enough that it can be towed by just about any regular car, which is extremely convenient.

Professor Lucas Brown, who oversaw the creation of the OTIS mobile home, claims that studies done on millennials suggest that they are disinterested in having mortgages or dealing with rent immediately after graduating from college. The OTIS design offers these graduates an affordable alternative spread out over 70 square feet.

OTIS actually stands for Optimal Traveling Independent Space, which seems like an appropriate term for this mobile abode. This pod-like home features a rainwater collecting plumbing system, a composting toilet and solar panels which provide it with electricity.
Trend Themes
1. Mobile Living - Designing and building small, mobile and efficient living spaces for millennials.
2. Green Living - Incorporating sustainable and environmentally-friendly features into living spaces.
3. Minimalism - Creating simple and functional living spaces that prioritize essential needs.
Industry Implications
1. Construction - Exploring mobile and sustainable building options to cater to modern needs.
2. Real Estate - Adapting to the changing needs of millennials by offering affordable and flexible housing options.
3. Solar Energy - Developing innovative solar technologies for the mobile housing industry to provide reliable and affordable electricity.

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