Pub Opus Performances

'Opera Up Close' Makes This Musical Art Form Less Elitist & More Accessible

It is only natural that as time moves forward and the interests of modern generations change, the world loses once important art forms ad pastimes; enter Opera Up Close. This unique company is fighting tooth and nail to make sure that isn’t the case with their operatic art form. By participating in and propelling forward the fringe opera movement, Opera Up Close is bringing their theatrical performances to the people, instead of the other way around.

La Bohème, the debut production of Opera Up Close, is currently being performed in small pubs and venues across London. Written and directed by Robin Norton-Hale, the production has made such an impact already that it won an Olivier award. Opera Up Close is well-deserving as it is attracting new audiences by making operas appear less elitist and daunting.
Trend Themes
1. Fringe Opera Movement - Opportunities for innovative, non-traditional opera performances in unconventional venues and settings.
2. Democratization of Opera - Disruptive potential in making opera more accessible and appealing to broader audiences through non-traditional formats and inclusive experiences.
3. Revival of Traditional Art Forms - Renewed interest and relevance in preserving and revitalizing classical art forms by reimagining them for contemporary audiences in unexpected ways.
Industry Implications
1. Performing Arts - Disruption opportunities in redefining audience experiences and engagement through innovative performances and venue choices.
2. Hospitality - New avenues for collaboration with unconventional venues and events to attract and entertain diverse audiences, expanding business opportunities in the hospitality industry.
3. Art Education - Potential for transforming and expanding art education and cultural programs by showcasing the accessibility and allure of opera through non-traditional interpretations and performances.

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