Open-Source Self-Driving Tools

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OpenPodcar is a Hardware and Software Self-Driving Solution

The OpenPodcar is an open-source platform designed for self-driving car research. It is based on a hard-canopy mobility scooter, which is modified to become a fully autonomous vehicle. The platform includes detailed hardware and software build instructions, making it accessible for researchers and developers. The hardware components include CAD designs, a bill of materials, and build instructions, while the software components consist of Arduino, ROS, and Gazebo control and simulation files.

One of the key features of the OpenPodcar is its affordability and ease of assembly. The total cost of building the vehicle from new components is approximately USD 7,000 as of 2022. This cost-effectiveness, combined with the comprehensive build instructions, makes the OpenPodcar a practical option for various research applications. It can be used for autonomous vehicle research, human-vehicle interaction studies, and practical automated transportation of people and goods.

The OpenPodcar is designed to balance real-world utility, safety, and research convenience. It is capable of transporting a human passenger or similar load at speeds up to 15 km/h, making it suitable for last-mile autonomous taxi services or delivery container transportation in urban environments. Additionally, its compact size allows it to be used in standard research labs for realistic human-vehicle interaction studies.
Trend Themes
1. Affordable Autonomous Research - The OpenPodcar provides a cost-effective platform for conducting advanced autonomous vehicle research without significant financial burden.
2. DIY Self-driving Technology - Open-source platforms like the OpenPodcar facilitate hands-on learning and customization in the field of autonomous driving technology.
3. Last-mile Autonomy Solutions - Compact autonomous vehicles such as the OpenPodcar offer practical solutions for last-mile delivery and urban transportation challenges.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive Research - The open-source nature of tools like the OpenPodcar accelerates innovation and research in automotive technology development.
2. Urban Logistics - The use of small autonomous vehicles for transporting goods presents innovative approaches to managing urban last-mile logistics.
3. Education and Training - Universities and educational institutions benefit from affordable, accessible platforms like OpenPodcar for teaching autonomous vehicle technologies.

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