Demure Monochromatic Photography

Ole Marius Fossen Captures Innocence and Beauty on a Beach

Swedish photographer Ole Marius Fossen specializes in shooting black-and-white portraits of innocent models in unusual landscapes. In his latest shoot, "Pure," Ole Marius Fossen selected model Hanna Sorheim of Team Models and Paris' VIVA for a shoot that strongly relies on the power, natural beauty and softness of Sorheim's face.

The shots display Ole Marius Fossen's talent for shooting facial close-ups of models without losing sight of the shoot's theme. For all this natural (and learned) talent, Ole Marius Fossen became a photographer by accident. He got his start by taking pictures of his female friends wearing normal clothes. "It really had little to do with fashion," he said, "and when I look back, the pictures are really not that great. But I learned a lot though."

Judging from this shoot, it's clear that Ole Marius Fossen's accidental career choice is the right one for him.
Trend Themes
1. Monochromatic Photography - Embrace the timeless elegance of monochromatic photography to capture the beauty of subjects in a unique and artistic way.
2. Unusual Landscapes - Explore the use of unusual landscapes as a backdrop for photography to create captivating and visually striking images.
3. Facial Close-ups - Master the art of capturing intimate facial close-ups to emphasize the natural beauty and emotions of the subject.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - Incorporate monochromatic photography techniques and unusual landscapes into your portfolio to offer clients a fresh and distinctive visual aesthetic.
2. Fashion - Collaborate with photographers skilled in monochromatic photography to showcase fashion in a classic and artistic way, adding a unique appeal to your brand.
3. Beauty - Harness the power of facial close-ups in your beauty campaigns to convey and celebrate the natural features and innocence of models.

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