Sushi bar owner Okistugu Kado is the creative mind behind these detailed vegetable sculptures based on the Star Wars series. Kado crafted this collection of edible goods to practice his passions, which include carving and cooking. The talented chef carves these figures because of his dedication to food art and because he is a fan of the sci-fi franchise. Okistugu Kado is even a member of a Japanese group that calls itself the Jedi Order.
The Japanese sushi chef will create his sculptures by request if you visit his restaurant, so if you are ever near Osaka, Japan, make sure to check out his restaurant. His sculptures are sure to make even the most adamant veggie hater change his mind about greens.
Sci-Fi Carved Vegetables
Okistugu Kado Sculpts Star Wars Characters Out of Veggies
Trend Themes
1. Food Art - Opportunity for innovative artists to create visually stunning food sculptures using vegetables.
2. Fan-inspired Edible Goods - Potential for businesses to tap into the popularity of franchises and create food products based on fan-favorite characters.
3. Culinary Tourism - Possibility for restaurants to attract customers by offering unique dining experiences, such as requesting custom vegetable sculptures.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - Hotels and resorts can enhance guest experiences by incorporating food art into their dining options.
2. Event Planning - Opportunity for event planners to create themed parties and gatherings by featuring edible goods inspired by popular franchises.
3. Food Retail - Supermarkets and grocery stores can introduce a line of fan-inspired vegetable sculptures as a unique product offering.