Oil and Water Photography

Amazing Telescopic Snaps by Shawn Knol

These amazing black and white bubble photos are in fact telescopic images of what happens when oil meets water. I love the beauty and elegance of the pictures in black and white.

They are taken by the young Phoenix-based photographer Shawn Knol, who likes to explore the world through the lens of his canon 8mpxl rebel xt camera. On a shoestring budget, he shoots all kinds of fluids mixing and the photos are truly remarkable.

You can view more of his almost scientific looking work on his Flickr stream below.
Trend Themes
1. Fluid Mixing Photography - Capturing striking images of fluids mixing through telescopic lenses.
2. Black and White Photography - Exploring the elegance and drama of black and white photography with unique subject matter.
3. Low-budget Photography - Producing stunning photos on a shoestring, using creativity and ingenuity.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - Exploring the potential of creative and unique subject matter to stand out in a crowded industry.
2. Fine Art - Pushing the boundaries of traditional fine art photography with unconventional subjects and techniques.
3. Advertising - Using striking and unusual imagery to capture audience attention and build brand interest.

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