Prismatic Cardboard Furniture

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The 'Octa' Stool is Crafted from Three Cardboard Pieces

The need for more cost-effective furniture that's both stylish and functional is becoming more apparent, which is seeing options like the 'Octa' stool be created. Made from three pieces of corrugated cardboard, the stool is entirely capable of supporting the weight of a single sitter and can be used as a small seating solution for use in an office or living space.

The majority of furniture is crafted from a variety of metals and plastics, which can have a harmful effect on the environment during the production process and long after it has served its purpose. This has created demand for more sustainable options like the 'Octa' stool that can be created, used and recycled to limit waste altogether. The stool is the design work of Jang Hyungjin.
Trend Themes
1. Cost-effective Furniture - Opportunity for innovative furniture designers to create cost-effective and sustainable furniture solutions like the 'Octa' stool.
2. Sustainable Materials - Opportunity for manufacturers to explore using environmentally-friendly materials like cardboard in furniture production.
3. Recyclable Design - Opportunity for designers to create furniture that is easily recyclable, reducing waste and promoting a circular economy.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Design - Opportunity for furniture designers to incorporate sustainable and cost-effective materials into their designs, meeting the growing demand for eco-friendly furniture solutions.
2. Manufacturing - Opportunity for manufacturers to invest in developing and producing furniture made from sustainable materials such as cardboard, contributing to a more environmentally conscious industry.
3. Waste Management - Opportunity for the waste management industry to explore recycling and upcycling initiatives for furniture made from recyclable materials, reducing waste and promoting sustainability.

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