Dynamic Purple Bank Headquarters

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MM18 Architecture Designs the New Nubank Headquarters

Digital banking platform Nubank gets a new office location designed by the team at MM18 Architecture. Right in São Paulo, the office is modern and takes over what was once a warehouse, measuring an impressive 10,000 square meters and a triple-height ceiling that is 15 meters tall. One of the most notable features of the space is the horizontal.

The main floor along with the three custom mezzanines runs horizontally at a long structure. This way, it carefully sections up the necessary spaces for employees to work and unwind. When it ic completed, visitors and employees can access the 750 formal workspaces, plenty of meeting rooms, shared and private work areas, dining spaces, kitchens, lounges, and a health center.
Trend Themes
1. Horizontal-office Design - Modern offices are utilizing horizontal layouts to create more collaborative and accessible environments.
2. Adaptive Reuse of Warehouses - Repurposing old warehouses into contemporary office spaces is driving a new wave in sustainable architecture.
3. Integrated Work-life Spaces - Offices now incorporate amenities such as dining spaces, lounges, and health centers to support employee well-being and productivity.
Industry Implications
1. Digital Banking - Digital banks are investing in innovative office designs to support their agile and tech-driven operations.
2. Commercial Real Estate - The commercial real estate industry is seeing a trend in transforming outdated structures into state-of-the-art office environments.
3. Architecture and Design - Architecture firms are pushing the boundaries by creating multifunctional and adaptive workspaces that cater to modern business needs.

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