Non-Binary Inclusive Emojis

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Apple Expanded its Emoji Offerings to Include Non-Binary People

In an effort to be inclusive of the LGBT2Q+ community, Apple has updated its emoji offering to include gender-neutral options. These new options are available for its plethora of human poses include the Hair Flip, Twin, doctor, painter, golfer, cyclists, and vampire, among others.

Moreover, the new iOS 13.2 update also includes emojis that represent people who use a walking cane, wheelchairs, hearing aids, and mechanical arms and legs. The new additions come alongside the brand's selection of five skin tones that was released several years earlier. Currently, Apple offers over 3,178 emojis, compared to the 625 offered back in 2010.

As more brands understand the importance of representation, we can expect more inclusivity in technology.
Trend Themes
1. Non-binary Inclusive Emojis - Opportunity for brands to include gender-neutral options in their emoji offerings.
2. Expanded Representation in Emojis - Increasing trend of including diverse abilities and disabilities in emoji representation.
3. Growing Emoji Offerings - Continued expansion of emojis with a focus on inclusivity and diverse options.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - Tech companies can integrate non-binary inclusive emojis into their platforms and applications.
2. Marketing and Advertising - Opportunity for brands to leverage non-binary inclusive emojis in their marketing campaigns to target diverse audiences.
3. Design and User Experience - UX/UI designers can create more inclusive interfaces by incorporating diverse emojis.

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