Portable CO2 Sensors

The NODE CO2 Keeps You Informed on the Quality of Air You're Breathing In

If you ever wondered about the indoor air quality that you are breathing with, you might be interested in this CO2 module. Now you can measure it anywhere, anytime using the N+Oxa app on your smartphone and NODE+ Sensor Platform with CO2 Sensor.

Manufacturing of the NODE CO2 is still in progress, but the first prototypes are amazing. Creators from Variable are looking forward to take this sensor to production thanks to the Kickstarter campaign.

The NODE+CO2 works by using a really small sensor, which is called NDIR, to measure the CO2 gas. In fact, all gases have specific spectral absorbency so Node uses Non-Dispersive Infrared techniques that look at the amount of infrared absorbency in certain wavelength to establish the concentration of CO2. The CO2 concentration is then digitized and transmitted thanks to the NODE+ platform to a smartphone or tablet.

If you care about the environment that you are surrounded with or simply want to have control and feel safe wherever you are, you should be interested on having one of that module!
Trend Themes
1. Mobile Air Quality Monitoring - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop affordable, portable CO2 sensors that can be easily integrated with smartphones to provide real-time air quality data.
2. Smart Sensor Technology - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore the potential of using Non-Dispersive Infrared techniques in sensors to measure other gases and pollutants.
3. Crowdfunding for Tech Products - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Utilize crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter to fund the production and commercialization of innovative sensor technologies.
Industry Implications
1. Environmental Monitoring - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create advanced CO2 monitoring solutions for industries, offices, and homes to promote healthier indoor air quality.
2. Smartphone Accessories - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Design and manufacture smartphone-compatible sensors that enable users to track air quality and take proactive measures to improve it.
3. Iot and Home Automation - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Integrate CO2 sensors with smart home systems to automate ventilation and air purification processes based on real-time air quality measurements.

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