Racist Car Commercials

Nissan Upsets Saudis

This Nissan video commercial has received a lot of criticism for being racist. The Japanese car manufacturer has gone and upset Saudi Arabia so much, they have threatened a boycott of the car company after commercials aired on Israeli TV.

Inexplicably, they decided the way to display their new car was to show a group of Saudi oil barons screaming and attacking the Renault-Nissan vehicle. The Saudis are also shown leaving a hotel and discovering a fuel-efficient vehicle outside. One Saudi then pounds his fists on the car as he shouts at it, "hawks should peck at you day and night."

And it gets worse…

The commercial ends with a voice-over saying, ""It’’s clear the oil companies won’t like you.""

Really, what were they thinking? It really is beyond any understanding of mine.

Here is the official line:
Trend Themes
1. Offensive Advertising - Nissan's controversial ad highlights the need for companies to rethink their advertising strategies and avoid offensive content.
2. Cultural Sensitivity - Businesses must be more culturally aware and considerate in their advertising to avoid offending international customers.
3. Brand Reputation Damage - This incident underscores the importance of businesses taking proactive measures to protect their brand from being damaged by offensive advertising.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - The advertising industry needs to advocate for more responsible and ethical marketing practices to prevent offensive content from being displayed in advertising campaigns.
2. Automotive - Manufacturers must ensure that their advertising campaigns do not include culturally insensitive or inappropriate content which can cause lasting damage to their brand.
3. International Business - Risks involved in showing culturally insensitive advertising reinforces the need for international businesses to carefully consider cultural and regional differences before launching any ad campaigns.

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