Votary boasts its 'Intense Night Oil' for $150 USD on the Net-A-Porter e-commerce platform. The product is geared toward reducing the visible signs of aging and it works to do so in three modes -- through reducing the breakdown of collagen, as well as attempting to soothe fine lines and plump the skin.
Votary's 'Intense Night Oil' is infused with Rosehip oil which is rich in antioxidants, as well as Retinoid that is geared to removing dead skin cells and unblocking pores. In addition, the cosmetic product features Sandalwood extract which soothes inflammation, as well as Acmella flower extract which has firming properties to the skin. The night oil is packed with vitamin K which "replenishes cells."
Antioxidant-Rich Night Oils
Votary's Product is Anti-Aging and Suitable for All Skin Types
Trend Themes
1. Antioxidant-rich Night Oils - The trend of incorporating high levels of antioxidants in night oils can disrupt the skincare industry by targeting anti-aging concerns and protecting the skin from environmental stressors.
2. Retinoid-infused Beauty Products - The trend of infusing retinoids in beauty products can disrupt the skincare industry by offering an effective way to remove dead skin cells and unblock pores, leading to better skin texture and reduction in signs of aging.
3. Natural Ingredients in Cosmetics - The trend of using natural ingredients like Rosehip oil, Sandalwood extract, and Acmella flower extract in cosmetics can disrupt the industry by providing customers with more organic, eco-friendly, and effective solutions for their skincare needs.
Industry Implications
1. Skincare Industry - The use of antioxidant-rich night oils, retinoid-infused beauty products, and natural ingredients in cosmetics can disrupt the skincare industry and provide innovative solutions to customers' anti-aging concerns and skincare needs.
2. E-commerce Industry - The growing popularity of products like Votary's Intense Night Oil on e-commerce platforms highlights the potential for disruptive innovation in the e-commerce industry, particularly in the beauty and personal care categories.
3. Health and Wellness Industry - The trend of using natural and organic ingredients in cosmetic products aligns with the growing demand for health and wellness products and services, presenting opportunities for disruptive innovation in this industry as well.