Cartoonish Letter Characters

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Nickelodeon Popcorn by Berd Targets Youthful Television Viewers

Nickelodeon Popcorn by Berd, a 3D motions and graphics studio based in Barcelona, Spain, is a series of cartoons modelled after letters of the alphabet. Created for the television channel of the same name, it is fun promotional material that children will fall in love with over and over again. So much so, in fact, that it wouldn't be surprising if they were turned into actual toys.

From a kissing popcorn bag and soda drink forming the letter K to a C-shaped blue monster chomping down on some popcorn, Nickelodeon Popcorn by Berd is a fun art series that is clearly targeted towards young kids. A video shows them coming together to form the word 'Nickelodeon.'
Trend Themes
1. Cartoonish Letter Characters - There is an opportunity for 3D graphics studios to create similar promotional characters for other children's television channels or brands.
2. Promotional Material for Kids - There is potential for companies to invest in creating fun and engaging promotional material to target the younger demographic.
3. Toy Industry - There is a potential opportunity for toy companies to recreate these cartoon characters as physical toys for children to play with.
Industry Implications
1. Television Channel Industry - Television channels can use similar animated characters to promote their brand to a younger audience.
2. Graphic Design Industry - There is an opportunity for graphic design studios to create engaging and memorable promotional material targeted at children.
3. Toy Industry - Toy companies can invest in creating toys based on popular promotional characters to appeal to children and their parents.

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