A series of ads promoting Nexcare waterproof bandages show comically distressed sea creatures. Each print ad features a different combination of sea creatures in an underwater setting facing mortal peril. One ad features an octopus threatened by a sea of crabs. Another shows an inflated puffer fish attempting to avoid a school of swordfish. A picture of Nexcare's waterproof bandages is positioned on the corner of each ad.
The extremely cute and humorous ads were conceived by ad agency Ogilvy & Mather. American conglomerate 3M commissioned the agency to promote their line of bandages in Thailand. By showing animals about to be injured, the ads grab the attention of consumers and stress the effectiveness of Nexcare bandages.
Seafaring Creature Combat Ads
This Nexcare Bandage Promotion Has Aquatic Animals About to Get Hurt
Trend Themes
1. Humorous Advertising - Using humor in advertising campaigns to capture consumer attention and convey product effectiveness.
2. Animal-themed Marketing - Utilizing animals in marketing materials to create emotional connections with consumers.
3. Print Advertising - Leveraging print media as a platform to showcase product features and benefits.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - Opportunities for ad agencies to create innovative campaigns that stand out and engage consumers.
2. Consumer Goods - Consumer goods companies can explore animal-themed marketing strategies to differentiate their products in a crowded market.
3. Print Media - Print media publishers can offer unique advertising opportunities that leverage humor and animal themes to attract advertisers.