Leprechaun Speed Trap

The New Trend in Law Enforcement

The Orlando, FL, Police Department built itself a pot of gold over the holiday weekend, when a sheriff's deputy dressed as a leprechaun, and accompliced by motorcycle backup was spotting and ticketing speeders.

A laser detector at the leprechaun's patrol car read "Watch your speed or it will cost you your pot of gold." Folks, who were exceeding the limit and didn't slow down after passing the sign, were chased down by other aqueous sprites on motorcycles and given speeding tickets.

Speeders complained to the deputy saying that the tactic was entrapment. However, a bad Santa's elf did the same thing at Christmas time and the deputy stood his ground.

Picture credit: irelandseye.com
Trend Themes
1. Costumed Law Enforcement - Opportunity for law enforcement agencies to use unconventional costumes and tactics to catch speeders.
2. Creative Speed Traps - Innovative methods like dressing up as characters and using witty signage to deter speeding and enforce traffic laws.
3. Public Perception in Law Enforcement - Increasing scrutiny and debate around tactics used by law enforcement for traffic enforcement.
Industry Implications
1. Law Enforcement - Potential for law enforcement agencies to leverage unique approaches to improve traffic safety and compliance.
2. Event Planning and Entertainment - Opportunity to collaborate with law enforcement to create engaging and educational experiences for the public using costumed characters and interactive installations.
3. Traffic Safety Technology - Development and implementation of new technologies that can effectively detect speeding and enhance enforcement efforts.

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