Stereotype Cartoonvertising

'Only In A Woman's World' Webisode for Snack Foods

Woman are walking disasters, right? We’re constantly putting ourselves in embarrassing exercise situations in hopes of achieving skinny romantic bliss. For the doubters, I need only remind you of the thighmaster, which is featured in this webisode.

Baked Lays, Flat Earth & Smartfood Snacks present, "Only In A Woman’s World." Fab, funny and fearlessly female, this series features a group of lady friends, each with their own unique cliche quirk. Meet Anna who has a hard time asking for help and still regrets that perm from high school. Cheryl is a stay at home mom who puts everyone else’s needs first. Maya hides her shopping receipts from her husband. Nikki is the only single gal, but don’t worry she’s actively looking for Mr. Right.

We all know that stereotypes are containers of truth; they wouldn’t hurt so much if they weren’t relevant. So will the webisodes actually help women to show off their smarts and balance their lives? I want to be optimistic, but let’s face it - what are the chances that a company who thinks women can solve their problems by binging on delicious and low-fat chips will push the boundaries of what it’s like to live in a woman’s world?
Trend Themes
1. Female Stereotyping - Opportunities to rebrand advertisements to avoid stereotyping and promote inclusivity
2. Female-centric Webisodes - Opportunities to produce more female-centric media that promotes female empowerment
3. Healthy Snacking - Opportunities to market healthy snacking options to women that don't perpetuate negative stereotypes
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - Opportunities for ad companies to take a more conscious approach to their advertisements
2. Entertainment - Opportunities for producers to finance female-centric media that are more empowering
3. Food & Beverage - Opportunities for food companies to market healthy snacking options without perpetuating stereotypes

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