Plant-Powered Air Purifiers

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The Neo Px Air Purifier Removes Pollutants From the Home

The Neo Px air purifier from Neoplants is a solution for living spaces that's bio-engineered with the needs of modern homes in mind to incorporate a new kind of air cleaning capability.

The system is reported to be 30-times more effective at cleaning indoor air when compared to conventional houseplants and consists of three main parts. This includes the Marble Queen Pothos houseplant that sits inside a shell that will maximize the air exchange to greatly accelerate air cleaning. Finally, the Power Drops are supercharged bacteria that will transform the pollutants into food for the plant.

The Neo Px air purifier is designed in France and made in the USA, and is priced at $140 with the auto-renew option for Power Drops priced at $120.
Trend Themes
1. Bio-engineered Air Purifiers - Houseplant-based systems that utilize bio-engineering to exceed the effectiveness of traditional indoor air cleaning methods.
2. Supercharged Bacteria Solutions - Innovative use of bacteria to not only cleanse pollutants but also transform them into nutrients for plants.
3. Hybrid Home Ecosystems - Combining natural and technological elements to create more efficient and eco-friendly home environments.
Industry Implications
1. Smart Home Technology - Integration of advanced biological and technological innovations to elevate home air quality automation.
2. Environmental Biotechnology - Developing biologically enhanced solutions to combat air pollution and improve environmental health.
3. Home and Garden - Transforming traditional houseplants into high-efficiency air purifying systems for modern homes.

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