Jungle-Patterned Blazers

N. Hoolywood Fall/Winter 2010 Previews Some Wild Fashions

These funky jungle-patterned blazers from the N. Hoolywood Fall/Winter preview are some really wild pieces. Unfortunately there were only a small numbers of garments on display at the preview, but so far so good.

There were also boots, vests and plain blazers shown and even these more traditional pieces still had a very fashion-forward look to them when it comes to cutting and crafting. For the fellas into avant-garde, the contemporary fashion from the N. Hoolywood Fall/Winter collection is for you.
Trend Themes
1. Jungle-patterned Blazers - Opportunity for fashion brands to incorporate bold and unique patterns into blazers for a standout fashion statement.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Potential for fashion brands to capitalize on the trend of incorporating unconventional patterns into blazers.

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