Crowdsourced Van Designs

The 'My Sharpied Van' Project Lets Strangers Vandalize a Truck

Instead of hiring someone to decorate a van, Imgur user Nabo embarked on the 'My Sharpied Van' project where a sign was placed outside to invite people in to draw. Once inside, generous souls drew intricate and beautiful designs on the Volkswagen.

With a sign that read "Help sharpie the van," Nabo invited people into the garage. Once inside, people were provided with permanent markers in order to draw to their heart's content. Since the van is white, spontaneous artists had a lot of clean canvas to work with.

With the markers used being exclusively black, passing strangers turned the van into a monochromatic masterpiece. Though unlikely, Nabo claimed that many of the strangers who came in to draw weren't professional artists.
Trend Themes
1. Crowdsourced Art - Companies can leverage crowdsourced designs to create unique and personalized products.
2. DIY Marketing - Utilizing DIY techniques in marketing can create a more engaging and interactive customer experience.
3. Community Collaboration - Encouraging community collaboration in the creation of products can strengthen brand loyalty and connection.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive - Car manufacturers can incorporate crowdsourcing into their design process to create unique and personalized vehicles.
2. Event Planning - Event planners can incorporate crowdsourced art projects into their events to create a more interactive and engaging experience for attendees.
3. Hospitality - Hotels can incorporate community collaborations in their interior design projects to create a more personalized and unique atmosphere for guests.

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