Created to celebrate the 40th anniversary of a historic anime series, a life-sized moving Gundam statue will be constructed in Yokohama, Japan. While there are already giant Gundam statues around Japan, this new example will offer a broader range of movement than previous models. The life-sized moving Gundam will be modeled on the RX-78-2 Gundam, the original mobile suit seen in the very first entry in the franchise.
The project is being helmed in part by the city of Yokohama and will be unveiled at the city's Yamashita Pier in 2020. The statue will remain at this location for a year, but there have been no plans as to where the statue will go next. The final design of the life-sized moving Gundam will be 18m tall.
Life-Sized Robotic Statues
A Moving Gundam Statue Will Be Built in Japan by 2020
Trend Themes
1. Life-sized Robotic Statues - The creation of life-sized moving statues opens up opportunities for theme parks, museums, and public spaces to offer immersive experiences.
2. Celebrating Nostalgic Pop Culture - Capitalizing on nostalgia to create interactive and experiential art installations and events is a growing trend in the entertainment industry.
3. Advancements in Robotics and Engineering - The use of robotics and engineering to create life-sized moving statues showcases the potential for robotics to be utilized in immersive entertainment experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment Industry - The entertainment industry can use these life-sized robotic statues as new interactive experiences for theme parks, museums, pop-up events and more.
2. Tourism Industry - Tourism industry players can utilize life-sized robotic statues to create new tourist attractions that offer visitors unique and immersive experiences.
3. Engineering Industry - The engineering industry can capitalize on this new trend by exploring more complex and advanced robotic engineering technology to create even more sophisticated life-sized moving statues for various industries.