The Moverio BT-200 Smart Glasses will give your eyes an experience far more revolutionary than simply observing a hi-def interactive interface; these futuristic spectacles will superimpose a computer-generated layer over everything that you see in front of you.
The Epson greatly improved their product from the previous year, the BT-100 by integrating a front-facing camera, a recording light, motion sensors and by slimming down the design by more than half. Significantly less bulky, these innovative eyeglasses will be comfortable to wear while you play games and interact with your surroundings. A dual screen and a resolution of 960 by 540 pixels promises incredible quality and the capacity to create 3D views with augmented reality. The Moverio BT-200 Smart Glasses yield so many possibilities for all technological industries.
Visionary AR Eyewear
At CES 2014, the BT-200 Smart Glasses Marry the Physical and Virtual Worlds
Trend Themes
1. Augmented Reality Eyewear - The Moverio BT-200 Smart Glasses integrate augmented reality with real-world visual experience.
2. Improved User Interface - The front-facing camera and motion sensors of the BT-200 Smart Glasses provide an enhanced interactive experience.
3. 3D Views with AR - The dual screen and high-resolution capabilities of the BT-200 Smart Glasses enable immersive 3D views in augmented reality.
Industry Implications
1. Gaming - The Moverio BT-200 Smart Glasses offer gaming industry disruptive innovation opportunities through augmented reality gaming experiences.
2. Healthcare - Augmented reality eyewear like the BT-200 Smart Glasses can revolutionize the healthcare industry by providing enhanced visualization for medical procedures and diagnostics.
3. Education - The integration of augmented reality in the BT-200 Smart Glasses can transform the education industry by providing immersive and interactive learning experiences.