Unmotivated Worker Tips

The Chart Identifies Performance Hindrances and Offers a Motivation Boost

If you are struggling to stay motivated at work, this infographic lists different things that kill motivation and offers performance and motivation boost advice. From Weekdone, '10 Team Motivation Killers & How to Fix Them' aims to help make offices run smoothly without distractions and internal communication problems. The chart is relevant if you yourself are feeling uninspired or unproductive, or if you are leading a team at work.

The infographic covers topics from inadequate rewards to office space. For example, open office areas result in 62% more sick days. If you are a manager you can give your team a motivation boost by sending them to a group training and communicating clear goals. Employees can ask more questions or prepare properly for meetings.
Trend Themes
1. Employee Motivation - Identifying and addressing factors that negatively impact employee motivation in the workplace.
2. Office Design - Recognizing the impact of office layout and design on employee wellness and productivity.
3. Leadership Strategies - Implementing effective leadership tactics to increase team motivation and productivity.
Industry Implications
1. Human Resources - Developing new tools and resources for HR departments focused on employee motivation and engagement.
2. Architecture & Design - Creating innovative office space layouts and designs that promote wellness and productivity.
3. Management Consulting - Providing leadership training and strategies to improve team motivation and productivity for businesses.

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