DIY Gardening Systems

This Modular Planter Makes It Easy to Create a Vertical Green Space

With this handy DIY modular planter, anyone can easily transform a wall into a green vertical garden.

The 'Cara de Planta,' which is Spanish for Plant Face, was designed by Mexican Designer César Bejarano as a modular vertical gardening system that was easy to install and maintain. Made from recycled materials, each modular planter can easily be hung up with its own special wall anchors and comes with a moisture barrier to protect surfaces as well.

The modular planting system comes in both an outdoor or indoor model that offers a number of options for planting and watering depending on preference. Each wall garden can also easily be expanded with additional planters that fit into one another either vertically or horizontally.
Trend Themes
1. Modular Vertical Gardening - Modular vertical gardening systems that are easy to install and maintain are becoming popular among consumers.
2. Sustainable Gardening - Sustainable gardening practices, such as using recycled materials to make gardening equipment, are gaining popularity.
3. Indoor Gardening - Indoor gardening systems are on the rise, as consumers look to bring green spaces into their homes and apartments.
Industry Implications
1. Home Improvement and Gardening Retailers - Home improvement and gardening retailers could benefit from offering modular vertical gardening systems and sustainable gardening supplies.
2. Interior Design - Interior design firms could explore opportunities to incorporate indoor gardening systems into their designs.
3. Eco-friendly Products - Companies that specialize in eco-friendly products could offer sustainable gardening supplies for consumers who are conscious of their environmental impact.

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