Woolen Mitten Flasks

The Mitten Flask is a Great Way to Sneak a Drink With You Wherever You Go

The Mitten Flask will help keep you warm during the colder months thanks to the secret pocket that hides three ounces worth of booze. These mittens are a great way to bring a little bit of liquid courage with you wherever you go.

The Mitten Flask is designed to look like a standard glove in a set of knitted mittens. Inside the inner palm of the mitten is a subtle zipper pocket that conceals a secret plastic pouch. The pouch is able to hold up to three ounces of liquid comfortably inside the mitten. The pouch then hooks up to a tube in thumb of the mitten that is perfect for drinking through. Now you can enjoy a drink while you're out skating, snowboarding, skiing or tobogganing.
Trend Themes
1. Hidden Pocket Accessories - The trend of hidden pocket accessories presents disruptive innovation opportunities for industries that focus on fashion and personal accessories.
2. Stealthy Drinking Solutions - The trend of stealthy drinking solutions presents disruptive innovation opportunities for industries that cater to socializing and entertainment, such as bars and nightlife.
3. Functional and Covert Fashion - The trend of functional and covert fashion presents disruptive innovation opportunities for industries that involve outdoor activities and outdoor apparel.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Accessories - The fashion accessories industry can explore disruptive innovation opportunities by incorporating hidden pockets into their designs, such as gloves with built-in flasks.
2. Hospitality and Entertainment - The hospitality and entertainment industry can tap into disruptive innovation opportunities by offering innovative and disguised drinking solutions, enabling a more enjoyable and flexible social experience.
3. Outdoor Apparel - The outdoor apparel industry can seize disruptive innovation opportunities by creating functional and covert fashion items, like mittens with built-in drinking systems, for outdoor enthusiasts.

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