Miss Landmine Contest

Miss Landmine Contest

Created by Norwegian artist Morten Traavik, the Miss Landmine contest is both a protest of the use of landmines and a celebration of beauty. It's no secret that landmines are violent objects of war that indiscriminately maim and kill - often innocent people. The Miss Landmine contest in Angola continues to educate people on the effects of landmines but, in a different, more personal manner - by featuring actual landmine victims. The web site allows visitors to view and vote for a winner - to be announced on April 4, 2008. In a sometimes ugly world; beauty remains.
Trend Themes
1. Anti-war Beauty Contests - Contests that celebrate beauty while protesting against the adverse effects of war are emerging.
2. Activist Art - Artists are using their work to promote social justice and activism.
3. Awareness Through Novelty - Creating new and creative ways to raise awareness on sensitive topics is becoming a trend.
Industry Implications
1. Art - Artists and galleries can incorporate designs, exhibitions and activities that promote aware activism into their work.
2. Fashion - Fashion companies can create clothes that bring attention towards awareness and activism.
3. Advertising - Marketers can develop campaigns that utilize awareness of social issues to target customers who are committed to advocacy and change.

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