'Mimus' is a work of art on display at The Design Museum in London. More than a pensive painting or a static tableau, Mimus is an interactive and responsive work that encourages people to consider the relationship and interconnectivity between humans and robots.
Physically, Mimus is an industrial robotic arm, the same as what is used in factories around the world. Mimus' software, however, is far different from other industrial arms. Instead of simply following set paths, Mimus is trained to to respond to the world around it, interacting with the people who visit the exhibit. She (Madeleine Gannon, the robots creator, made her a female bot) uses sensors embedded in the ceiling of her exhibit space to simultaneously perceive the entirety of her surroundings, interacting with people until they lose her attention.
Emotive Industrial Robots
'Mimus' is an Industrial Robotic Arm with a Personality
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Industrial Robots - Creating industrial robots with interactive and responsive software capabilities to engage with humans.
2. Robotic Personalization - Developing robotic arms with personalities and the ability to interact with individuals.
3. Sensor-enhanced Robotic Arms - Incorporating sensors into robotic arms to enable perception of their surroundings and interactions with people.
Industry Implications
1. Manufacturing - Applying interactive and responsive software capabilities to industrial robots in manufacturing processes.
2. Art and Design - Exploring the integration of robotic arms with personalities in artistic installations and exhibits.
3. Technology and Robotics - Advancing the development of sensors in robotic arms for enhanced perception and interaction capabilities.