Toei Animation's metaverse project 'ONN'ON STUDIOS' recently launched its first virtual event called 'Virtual Anime Fes'—"the project's first attempt at a new lineup event using VR space." The event, hosted on the permanent stage of 'ImaginalyPark2070,' featured various activities, including a reading performance by Akihiro Miura and Kenji Akabane, announcements related to the MR game release with Hitomi Kikuchi, and the revelation of a new movie by the team behind 'Expelled from Paradise.' Additionally, Toei Animation's metaverse project was aptly celebrated with the limited-time three-person unit known as 'Satellite' which performed their songs "Yoru wa ONN'ON (Onanon)" and "Satellite" for the first time.
The event marks a significant step in Toei Animation's exploration of the metaverse, providing fans with a novel and immersive experience.
Event-Based Metaverse Projects
Toei Animation Launches ONN'ON STUDIOS with Its First Virtual Event
Trend Themes
1. Virtual Anime Fes - Toei Animation's 'ONN'ON STUDIOS' launches the Virtual Anime Fes, a VR-based event that offers a new lineup experience in the metaverse.
2. Imaginalypark2070 - Toei Animation's metaverse project features the 'ImaginalyPark2070' permanent stage as the venue for the Virtual Anime Fes, showcasing its potential as a virtual event space.
3. Satellite Performance - The limited-time three-person unit 'Satellite' performs their songs in the Virtual Anime Fes, highlighting the use of virtual avatars for live performances.
Industry Implications
1. Animation - Toei Animation's metaverse project demonstrates the potential of integrating virtual events and experiences within the animation industry.
2. Music - The Virtual Anime Fes showcases the innovative use of virtual avatars for live music performances, presenting new opportunities for the music industry.
3. Gaming - Announcements related to the MR game release alongside the Virtual Anime Fes indicate the potential for immersive gaming experiences to be integrated with metaverse projects.