Giant Rotating Heads

Metalmorphosis by David Cerny Spews Water From Its Mouth

The art installation entitled Metalmorphosis by David Cerny exists on a very grand scale. This giant head is made out of horizontally sliced steel plate layers, each piece of which rotates at different intervals in order to create various patterns throughout the day. This is made possible through the use of motors that some speculate are controlled from the artist's very home.

Located in Charlotte, North Carolina, the art installation Metalmorphosis by David Cerny is quite impressive for these reasons alone. Yet the 30-foot, 14-ton steel sculpture also boasts another feature: it shoots water out of its mouth. This atypical fountain centerpiece will surely inspire other artists to rethink other traditional fountains in their surrounding areas, perhaps even endeavoring to revamp them as well.
Trend Themes
1. Giant Art Installations - Opportunity for artists to create large scale and innovative sculptures to attract tourism and community engagement.
2. Interactive Public Art - Opportunity for artists to create art installations that engage the public and create memorable experiences.
3. Technology-enabled Art - Opportunity for artists to use technology, such as motors and sensors, to create dynamic and ever-changing installations.
Industry Implications
1. Tourism - New public art installations could attract more visitors and create new sources of revenue for local businesses.
2. Real Estate Development - Large scale art installations could be incorporated into commercial or residential developments to create unique and attractive public spaces.
3. Public Infrastructure - Local governments could invest in creating public art installations to revitalize public spaces and encourage community engagement.

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