Population-Boosting Campaigns

The Mentos Singapore 'National Night' Encourages Singles to Mingle

The Mentos Singapore 'National Night' effort dishes out a rap track with lyrics blatantly encouraging people to get together on August 9th to solve the country's population crisis.

Singapore's fertility rate plunged to 1.14 in 2010, a record low, and only increasing to 1.20 in 2011. The agency behind Mentos Singapore, BBH Asia-Pacific, hopes the catchy beat will carry its rhetoric forward, with its accompanying video dropping lines like 'It's National Night and I want a baby,' or 'Let's do our civic duty,' 'The kids are in bed, let's not watch fireworks, let's make them instead.'

There is clear method to this madness -- Mentos could not afford for the message to be obscured by clever wit or creativity. Desperate times call for desperate measures!
Trend Themes
1. Population-boosting Campaigns - Population-boosting campaigns are using creative and direct messaging to encourage people to procreate and address declining birth rates.
2. Innovative Fertility Solutions - The declining birth rates in certain countries are opening up opportunities for innovative fertility solutions to help couples conceive.
3. Government Initiatives for Population Growth - Governments are implementing initiatives and policies to address population decline and promote population growth.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising and Marketing - The advertising and marketing industry can explore new strategies and creative messaging campaigns to promote population growth and address declining birth rates.
2. Healthcare and Fertility - The healthcare and fertility industry can develop innovative solutions, treatments, and services to combat declining birth rates and help couples conceive.
3. Public Policy and Government - Government organizations can create and implement policies, incentives, and initiatives to encourage population growth and address declining birth rates.

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