Comfortable Leak-Proof Menstrual Discs

Flex Discs Ensure a Perfect Fit & 12 Hours of Protection

The FLEX Company is searching to reinvent how women approach their periods with slick, easy-to-use, and disposable menstrual discs. The product is geared toward light, medium, and heavy flows. One menstrual disc is estimated to equal the absorption power of three super tampons, ultimately lasting for 12 hours. Moreover, the menstrual discs are subject to subscription, eliminating the hassle of having to buy new ones for each month.

These reusable products have the power to reduce the global footprint with 60% less waste per production cycle. The menstrual discs are also doctor-recommended, are hypoallergenic, pH neutral, and it has the power to reduce one's cramps.

In addition to the menstrual discs, The FLEX Company also offers the FLEX Cup
Trend Themes
1. Leak-proof Menstrual Discs - Innovation opportunity for menstrual product industry to create eco-friendly, subscription-based, and health-enhancing menstrual discs.
2. 12 Hour Protection - Innovation opportunity for menstrual product industry to extend product use longevity with products that offer more than 8 hour protection.
3. Reusable Menstrual Products - Innovation opportunity for menstrual product industry to create more eco-friendly alternatives that are convenient to use, promote health, and have an extended lifespan.
Industry Implications
1. Feminine Care Industry - Innovation opportunity for industry to improve menstrual product product offerings with more sustainable, easy-to-use products that offer longer protection.
2. Healthcare Industry - Innovation opportunity for the healthcare industry to further integrate eco-friendly, and sustainable approaches into products and treatments for women and marginalized groups.
3. Environmentally Conscious Cosmetics - Innovation opportunity for environmentally conscious cosmetic brands to incorporate eco-friendly and sustainable products in menstrual care, and to realign their sustainability commitments for products beyond cosmetics.

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