Raw Material-Focused Exhibitions

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The Material & Memory Exhibition is at Brinkburn Priory and Manor

The team of tutors and researchers at Northumbria University has filled a manor house with the Material & Memory exhibition. It is located along a curve of the River Coquet in Northumberland that celebrates the site's iconic history and materiality. The installation is hosted at Brinkburn Priory and Manor, which was a 12th-century monastery that turned into ruin before being restored in the 19th century, which was also when the manor house was built simultaneously.

The co-curator and assistant design professor Anthony Forsyth shares that the pieces that were created for the show were inspired by the "tranquil and atmospheric" spaces at Brinkburn whilst nodding to the various layers of history from the empty rooms. He explains, "The raw materiality of the spaces is a rich source of inspiration, while the span of history informs an approach that is contemporary yet acknowledges the past."
Trend Themes
1. Historical-site Exhibitions - Exhibitions held at historically significant sites can merge present-day creativity with rich historical contexts, generating unique visitor experiences.
2. Materiality-inspired Art - Art installations that derive inspiration from the raw materiality of their settings can create a deep connection between the artwork and its environment.
3. Contextual Artistic Narratives - Shows that incorporate the historic and material background of their venues foster storytelling that resonates with diverse audiences.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Exhibitions - Innovations in how art exhibitions are conducted in historical settings can create new engagement opportunities for visitors.
2. Tourism and Heritage Sites - Collaborations between artists and heritage sites can attract tourists and art enthusiasts, blending education with cultural tourism.
3. Interior Design and Architecture - The use of historical materiality in design can influence contemporary interior design practices, integrating past elements with modern aesthetics.

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