Masking Tape Murals (UPDATE

Buff Diss Creates Intricate Street Art Out of an Unlikely Material

Some street artists use spray paint, others use a more atypical material; these masking tape murals clearly fall into the latter category. Buff Diss is an Australian artist that has been honing this particular skill for years. Continuing to build on his previous masking tape murals, he decorates everything from crumbling walls to the sides of old buildings, and even asphalt roads.

Although clearly masterpieces, what makes these masking tape murals so special is their transient nature. Although they could theoretically last for years, they are more often than not found removed the next day by city officials or curious bystanders. Yet that forces both the artist and his audience to appreciate them even more, especially in photographic form where they can live on forever.
Trend Themes
1. Tape Murals - Using tape as a medium for street art, creating a unique type of visual experience.
2. Transient Art - Creating art that is temporary and unpredictable, adding to its perceived value.
3. Urban Art - Using the city as a canvas for innovative creations that can bring beauty to often forgotten spaces.
Industry Implications
1. Visual Arts - Embracing new unconventional methods of creation to explore uncharted territories in visual arts.
2. City Planning - Incorporating public art into city landscapes as a way to beautify the environment and promote cultural exploration.
3. Advertising - Using unconventional materials and methods to create marketing campaigns that stand out from the crowd.

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